works media
thoughts people/
inspiration/ writings

people that i find inspiration from EN | KR

category people

these are the people that i am always inspired by. whether it may be through their works, their philosophies on life, or their existence, i am constantly fueled by these people and they motivate me to continue to evolve and forge my identity.



∙ Ashley Yeo > INSTAGRAM

∙ Laurel Schwulst > HOMEPAGE | TWITTER

∙ mio/cochlea1313 > INSTAGRAM | TWITTER

∙ milkbbi > TWITTER

∙ ni4rte > INSTAGRAM

∙ 문/pagodamoon > INSTAGRAM

about me | twitter | source

© 2015-2022 meirisoda. All the rights to the original artworks and text belong to soda. No reproduction or republication without written permission.